Friday, October 18, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Management - Essay Example On the other hand oral communication takes place most commonly and informally all around organizations. This form is also time consuming and difficult to document but is more personal and gives immediate feedback. Non-Verbal communication is another important form of message conveyance by means of using elements and behavior that are not coded into words. It involves body movements and gestures (kinesics behavior), influence of proximity and space on communication (proxemics), tone & quality of voice (paralanguage) and object language that is using clothes, perfumes and furniture to communicate. Communication systems provide formal and informal methods for moving information through an organization so that appropriate decisions can be made (Werther & Davis, 2000). Downward communication system is information that begins at some point in the organization and cascades down the hierarchy to inform and influence, for example, announcements through employee bulletin boards & company newsl etters informing the employee of the latest development and direction in which the organization is moving or any new policy being introduced. An upward communication system involves getting information from the employees for example their feedback, suggestion or complaints. Grapevine communication also takes place which at times proves to be quite influential, it arises from social interaction between employees in the organization and is also used as tool to obtain off-the-record feedback from employees. Effective communication has increased importance nowadays as it motivates employees and improves relations with suppliers, helps take accurate and complete decision making, helps control and coordinates business activities. The primary functions of organizational communication is compliance-gaining, leading, motivating, influencing, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict management, negotiating & bargaining. Using effective communication as a tool to boost motivation ensures uni ty in working towards similar goals, gives employees the ownership of the goals, by asking for their feedback and suggestion they are involved in the decision making, hence putting into effect Hawthorne Theory into effect and increasing productivity. External communication with stakeholders and customers is also extremely important; it is done through meetings with stakeholders such as investors, business alliances, suppliers & dealers and customers, through written letters or through emails. Annual Report is a very effective tool distributed each year to give assessment of the company to its stakeholders. Further Websites are also an effective means of external communication these days. Annual General Meetings are also conducted to communicate company performance and key issues faced as well as future direction is discussed. Numerous theories are related to effective communication and impacts communication in an organization. Leon Festinger (1957) in his theory of cognitive dissona nce explains that people get an uncomfortable feeling, a psychological conflict from holding two or more incompatible beliefs simultaneously. Cognitive dissonance is a relatively straightforward social psychology theory that has enjoyed wide acceptance in a variety of disciplines including communication. There is a profound reluctance in corporate environments to acknowledge any kind of

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